Leadership Awards Partners


Good Housekeeping
Founded in 1885, Good Housekeeping magazine reaches 24 million readers each month—one out of every five women in America. The Good Housekeeping Research Institute (GHRI), which is home to the Good Housekeeping Seal and the Green Good Housekeeping Seal, was founded in 1900 and is dedicated to improving the lives of women and their families through education and consumer product assessment. Good Housekeeping’s commitment to improving how American families eat started when it championed the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906. That commitment continues today throughout all of the magazine’s food and nutrition editorial and it’s signature healthy eating programs. In addition to its U.S. flagship, Good Housekeeping publishes 9 editions around the world. Good Housekeeping is published by Hearst Magazines, a unit of Hearst Corporation.


GRACE Communications Foundation
GRACE Communications Foundation partners with the James Beard Foundation to highlight sustainable food leaders. Our future depends on more balanced and sustainable food, water, and energy systems and GRACE highlights the interconnections among these systems, educating consumers, advocates, and policy makers through such innovative web-based initiatives as Sustainable Table, Eat Well Guide, The Meatrix, Network for New Energy Choices, H2O Conserve, and the Ecocentric blog. We also collaborate with the Monday Campaigns (Meatless Monday, Healthy Monday, and Kids Cook Monday), which, in association with leading schools of public health, advocate for healthier choices through a weekly Mondays prompt to start and sustain healthy behaviors. Learn more at gracelinks.org.