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Eat This Word: Tortino

Priyanka Anand

Priyanka Anand

April 11, 2016


WHAT?  A miniature cake with a melted heart. Tortino, meaning “little cake,” originally hails from Italy, but its sweet fluff has spread across the globe. When made as a sweet dessert, melted chocolate is folded into a rich batter and divided into individual tins. If baked properly, a thin, crispy crust settles on the outside while the chocolate remains creamy and smooth on the inside. It only takes one bite for the chocolate to slide out like lava. As a savory dish, however, a tortino resembles a layered frittata. Using only the freshest vegetables available, this egg-beaten “cake” is perfect for a hearty breakfast or light lunch. It can be seasoned and flavored with cheese, bread crumbs, or a zesty salsa.

WHERE? Mississippi Mama's Potluck at the Beard House

WHEN? Wednesday, April 13, 2016

HOW? Granny’s Chocolate Tortino with Peanut Butter Ice Cream, Mississippi Pecans, and Mississippi Chicory Liqueur Shooter