Recipes from the Best of the Best: Rick Bayless's Tortilla Soup
JBF Editors
JBF EditorsJanuary 25, 2012

Rick Bayless, who won our Outstanding Chef Award in 1995, uses the earthy, smoldering heat of the pasilla chilies to build the foundation of flavor in his take on Mexican tortilla soup. First the dried pepper is blended with tomatoes and sautéed onions and garlic; the resulting purée goes in a hot pan, where it cooks down to a concentrated, sweet paste. After the addition of two quarts of chicken broth and a quick simmer, the soup is done, ready to be piled high with shredded cheese, chunky avocado, and tortilla shards for a filling meal. Get the recipe here.
In spring of 2012, JBF will publish The James Beard Foundation’s Best of the Best: A 25th Anniversary Celebration of America’s Outstanding Chefs. This must-have cookbook will feature a delicious, signature recipe from every winner of the Foundation’s Outstanding Chef Award. When we went to press, space required that we omit some surplus essays and recipes. During the weeks leading up to the book’s release, we’ll be sharing this bonus content with our readers. Think of it as an appetizer.